Rental Property Tax Return

Negative Gearing Tax Benefits

Individual Tax Return

Tax Agent Sydney

TAX logic specialises in Rental Property Tax Returns for Individuals making sure your Investment Property is correctly accounted for whilst maximising your negative gearing tax refund.

Need Help Preparing Your Individual Tax Return?

TAX logic will assist you with the income tax treatment of:

  • Rental Property Income & Expenses
  • Splitting Settlement Costs between Capital Costs, Borrowing Costs & Rental Deductions
  • Analysing Mortgage Statements for Interest Expenses
  • Rental Property Depreciation Schedules
  • Repairs Vs Capital Costs
  • Maximising your negative gearing tax refund
  • Capital Gain Tax (CGT) Calculations when selling Rental Properties

Whatever your tax query, TAX logic will take the time to work through your concerns, lodging your tax return accurately and on time, ensuring you have claimed the maximum tax deductions you are entitled to so that you can receive the highest tax refund possible.

If the clock is ticking towards the 31 October lodgement date, we can add you to our Tax Agent Lodgement List to get extended lodgement times.

What Documents Do I Need To Give You:

Rental Property Information

  • Rental Property Annual Summaries (provided by the Real Estate Agent)
  • Mortgage Statements for Interest Expense & Borrowing Fees
  • Tax Depreciation Schedules
  • Copy of your Last Tax Return showing Depreciation Balances carried forward
  • Settlement Statements from Conveyancers showing Capital & Rental expenses
  • Invoices showing any initial repairs or improvements undertaken prior to renting out your new property
  • Dates - First Owned, First signed with Agent, First Rented & Dates of any periods you lived in the property

PAYG Information

  • PAYG Payment Summaries
  • Details of any Allowances Received (Car, Phone Meals, Travel etc)
  • Interest Income Details
  • Dividend Statements
  • Managed Funds Annual Statements
  • Details of any Work Deductions you think are relevant
  • Private Health Insurance Annual Tax Statement
  • HECS / HELP Statement from the ATO
  • Copy of your Last Tax Return lodged or Notice of Assessment (if available)
  • Tax File Number 
  • Full Name
  • Current Address
  • Date of Birth
  • Job Description / Industry
  • Copy of Drivers Licence or Passport for Identification Purposes

How Long Will It Take To Get My Tax Refund?

  • We try to complete PAYG Tax Returns the same day they are received
  • You should allow 10 working days for the Tax Office to process your Tax Return and issue your Tax Assessment

Do My Tax !!!

Because TAX logic understand that it is not always possible to take time off from work to go see your Accountant,  we made Tax Service easier for you:

1. Mobile Tax Agent - our mobile tax agent service means we come to you (your home or office)

2. Online Tax Agent - email us your tax documents as a pdf for fast affordable tax service

TAX logic are a team of online & mobile tax agents offering both business and after hours services for Rental Property Income Tax Return preparation.

TAX logic are a team of online & mobile tax agents offering both business and after hours services for Rental Property Income Tax Return preparation.

Tax Service just got easier...

Online Tax Agent

Minimum Price $220

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Rental Property Tax Return

Mobile Tax Agent

Minimum Price $250

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